Prime Minister Oli has the confidence of two-thirds in Parliament

Kathmandu. Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has received the support of two-thirds of MPs in the House of Representatives.
Out of the 275 members of the House of Representatives, 188 MPs voted in favor of the motion of confidence put forward by Oli on Sunday. There were 74 votes against and one vote remained neutral.

263 people were present in Parliament on Sunday.Nepali Congress, CPN-UML, Janata Samajwadi Party, Janmat Party, Democratic Socialist Party, Civil Liberties Party and some independent MPs voted for Prime Minister Oli.CPN-Maoist Center, National Independent Party, National Democratic Party and United Socialist Party voted against. Prem Suwal, the only MP of the Nepal Labor Farmers Party, remained neutral.263 out of 275 MPs participated in the voting process. A total of 188 votes were cast in favor of Oli’s proposal and 74 against. One vote was neutral. This comes to 71.48 percent of the total votes. This is two-thirds of the votes of the current parliament.

Apart from the four parties that participated in the government in favor of Oli, Janamat Party (JPA), Upendra Yadav-led Janata Samajwadi Party (JSP) Nepal, Citizen Liberation Party (NAUPA) and others have voted in favor of Oli.In the 275-member House of Representatives, Congress 88, UML 77, JSP 7, JPA 6, JSP Nepal 5, LOSPA 4, NAUPA 4, independent 192 votes were in favor of Oli. Out of this, 188 people participated in the voting process.

In the opposition, 79 votes were cast, including Maoist Center 32, Rashtriya Swatantra Party (RASWPA) 21, Rashtriya Prajatantra Party (RPP) 14, United Socialists 10, Aam Janata Party (AZP) 1 and Rashtriya Janamorcha (Rajmo) 1. Among them, only 74 MPs have voted. 1 vote of Nemkipa is neutral.When outgoing Prime Minister Prachanda took the vote of confidence on June 28, 63 people voted in favor and 194 people voted against.

Oli became the Prime Minister for the first time after the promulgation of the new constitution on August 24, 2072. Out of 598 members present in the transformed legislative parliament, 557 people voted. At that time, Oli received 338 votes out of the total attendance. Oli got 60.68 percent of the total votes.

Oli defeated his nearest rival Congress President Sushil Koirala by a margin of 89 votes. Koirala got 249 votes.At that time, 17 parties voted in favor of Oli including Unified CPN Maoist, National Democratic Party Nepal, Madhesi People’s Rights Forum Nepal (Democratic), CPN Male, Rashtriya Jan Morcha, Nepal Labor Kisan Party, CPN United and one independent member.

After that, Oli, who became the Prime Minister for the second time on February 21, 2074, got 208 votes. At that time, 268 MPs were present. There were 60 votes against. Oli got 77.61 percent of the total votes. Five nationally recognized parties UML, Maoist Center, RJP and Federal Socialist Forum voted for Oli.

Rajendra Lingden of RPP and Durga Paudel of Rashtriya Janamorcha, who are independent MPs, voted in favor of Oli. Baburam Bhattarai who left Maoist was absent. Nemkipa MP Prem Suwal was neutral.

After showing the internal dispute within the then CPN, Oli dissolved the parliament on 5th January 2077 against the constitution and announced the mid-term elections, he was widely criticized. CPN’s Prachanda and Madhav Nepal-Jhalnath Khanal group started a street struggle against Oli. But Oli was in trouble after the Supreme Court ruled that the dissolution of parliament by Oli was against the constitution and restored it on February 11th.

On the 23rd of February, in the dispute related to the CPN, the Supreme Court annulled the CPN and the former UML and Maoists came into existence again. Relieved by the Supreme Court’s decision, he took the vote of confidence for the second time on May 26, 2078 as the largest party after the Maoists withdrew their support.

However, the Oli government collapsed after the absence of 27 MPs from the Madhav-Jhalnath group who were in the anti-Oli camp within the UML. At that time, there were 93 votes in favor of Oli. 124 MPs voted against him. Out of a total of 232 MPs present, 15 remained neutral. Out of 121 MPs of UML, 27 MPs from Madhav-Jhalnath group were absent. The second time he got 40.08 percent of the total votes.

Oli, who was irritated after not getting votes from MPs within the UML, submitted a claim to President Bidya Bhandari to be appointed as the Prime Minister in accordance with Article 5 of the Constitution. From the opposition alliance, 146 people from parties including Congress, Maoist, UML rebel group, Janata Samajwadi and Rajmo had submitted their signatures.

But President Bhandari said that there was no clear majority in favor of both, and she continued to appoint Oli as the Prime Minister. On that basis, Oli dissolved the parliament for the second time at midnight on May 7th and announced the mid-term. The Supreme Court ruled that the dissolution of parliament by Oli for the second time was also unconstitutional and restored the parliament on June 28. According to Article 5 of the Constitution, the leader of the opposition party, Sher Bahadur Deuba, was mandated to appoint the Prime Minister within 24 hours.

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