5 Useful Facebook Settings Everyone Should Know

Kathmandu. Today we are telling about five useful settings of Facebook, which will help you to use Facebook in a safe and smart way.

1. Two Factor Authentication
It keeps our Facebook account safe. We keep the password on Facebook. Also, if you turn on ‘Two Factor Authentication’, it will be more secure.
– For this, first go to ‘settings and privacy’ through the ‘menu’ of your Facebook.
– Now go to ‘Privacy shortcuts’.
– Go to ‘Account Security’ and click on ‘Use Two Factor Authentication’.
After turning on this feature, Facebook will know that you have logged in from an unknown device or browser and will ask for a verification code through a security method.
So even if someone knows your Facebook password, they cannot access your Facebook.

2. Check which device your account is logged into
Forgetfulness is a common problem for all of us. We are also opening Facebook on devices outside of our control.
Some devices may even have passwords saved, through which anyone can gain access to your Facebook account. Therefore, Facebook’s setting of ‘Where you’re logged in’ protects you from such risks.
For this, first go to ‘settings and privacy’ through ‘Menu’ of your Facebook.
– Now tap on ‘settings’.
– You will see ‘Accounts Center’ at the beginning, touch there.
– Now there is an option called ‘Where you’re logged in’ within ‘Password and Security’. Click there.
-Now you can see where your account is logged in from here and logout on the device you don’t want.
– This way you can stay safe.

3. How to restore a post
The deleted posts from Facebook remain in the ‘Trash’ or ‘Recycle Bin’ for a month, which we can easily restore.
For that, first open your Facebook profile.
-Then tap on the three dots here.
– Then, click on ‘Activity log’ under ‘Profile Settings’.
– Now here on some mobiles it shows the option called ‘Trash’ and on some ‘Recycle Bin’. By tapping on it, if you have deleted any post from Facebook in the last 30 days, it will appear here.

4. How to download data posted on Facebook
Similarly, data posted on Facebook can be downloaded and kept.
– For this, go to ‘settings and privacy’ through your Facebook’s ‘Menu’.
– Now go to Privacy shortcuts.
-Go to ‘Your Facebook Information’ and click on ‘Access your information’.
– Now while scrolling down, there is ‘Download your information’, click there and tap on ‘Request a download’.
-Now you will get an ‘option’ called ‘Select Profiles’, here you can select the linked profile, I selected Facebook and clicked on Next.
– After this you see ‘Select information’, here you can choose what information you want to download. First, Complete copy in which the entire information of the account you have chosen is downloaded.

Second, Select types of information, I selected this here.
– Now here you see the list of information you want to download. According to that, you can choose ‘Next’.
After this you can select the format and quality of the file and click on ‘Submit Request’.
– After your information is ready, you will be notified by Facebook and by clicking on the same notification, you can reach the option to download the data.

5. Who will access the account after his death?
Whether it is when opening a bank account or buying land, we choose the desired person to decide who will give the property after our sheikh.
Yes, in the same way, if you want your Facebook account to continue even after you leave the world, you can let anyone you want to use it.

For that;
– Go to ‘settings and privacy’ through ‘Menu’ of your Facebook.
– Now go to ‘Settings’.
-Then tap on ‘Personal Information’ under ‘Account’.
– Now tap on ‘Account ownership and control’ at the bottom.
-Then tap on ‘Memorialisation settings’.

-Now click on ‘Choose legacy contact’ here.
-Then you will see a list of what the selected ‘contact’ can do in your account and click on ‘Next’ after reading it.
– Now you can select the desired ‘contact’.
-This message will be sent to the ‘contact’ you have selected.
-When Facebook finds out that you have passed away, this process will proceed.

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