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We are very happy to welcome you to our Patro family. Our calendar makes it easy to remember our festivals and learn about our culture and traditions. I started making our calendar app in 2010 when I went to study abroad. Being outside the country, it was very difficult to get information about our festivals, customs and rituals. I used to worry that I would miss calling my mother on Mother’s Day or that I would forget to prepare food for the day. After that I created our calendar app to meet my own needs. Because of this, it became easy for me to remember any festival. Today, there are more than 10 million Nepali people like you who use our calendar app with us. Our aim is to keep all the Nepalese together by informing them about their culture, festivals and customs.
Why is our calendar useful?

Through our calendar, you can see all Nepali festivals and informative articles about them. With us, you can get entertainment by listening to live stream of more than 500 Nepali radio stations in Nepal. The latest news and reliable publications from Nepal’s most popular news sources are included in our calendar. Similarly, the Nepali exchange rate of foreign currency and the daily price of gold and silver can be viewed. You can also view daily, weekly and monthly horoscopes prepared by our astrologers.

You can send phone balance to your relatives in Nepal using our recharge service from abroad. Also, you can send gifts to your relatives on the occasion of Nepali festivals and birthdays, anniversaries, new years etc. If you live in the US, you can send money to your relatives and friends in Nepal using our remit service.

Through our calendar app and web, we have provided our astrology service in collaboration with the best astrologers of Nepal. From which you can make your birth chart and you can match the horoscope with the person you want. And if you have more questions about your horoscope and guna match, you can make a live astrological consultation with the astrologers available on the app by making an audio/video call. If we are doing marriage, marriage, pujapath – rituals etc. then the consultation of our astrology gurus can be very beneficial.

Similarly, in collaboration with the best doctors of Nepal, we have provided our Patro Health – Live Doctor Consultation service on our app. We are constantly working to make our health services more convenient, simple and reasonable, with the ambitious goal that our calendar can become the only means of direct contact with our certified doctors from every corner of Nepali village homes, including urban areas, where information technology has reached, but skilled and experienced doctors are not available. .

Many other things:

Apart from calendar, 15 more useful features are kept in our daily life such as latest news, FM/radio, audio podcast, date change, e-card, video, blog, daily price of various vegetable products set by Kalimati vegetable market etc. For more information visit www.hamropatro.com website or download Hamro Patro app.

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