Dell company in financial crisis, to cut 6,500 employees

Kathmandu. Dell, the famous American technology company that manufactures personal computers, is going to cut staff once again.Due to this, more than 6,650 people working in the Dell company will lose their jobs. This number is 5 percent of the total employees working in the company worldwide. Earlier in 2020, Dell had cut some employees citing the Corona epidemic as the reason.

That’s why famous and big companies of the world are cutting down their employees extensively citing the corona epidemic and the latest economic recession. Dell included itself in that list.According to Bloomberg, Dell has already stopped hiring new employees. Apart from that, the company also banned the visits of the employees. But Dell is going to cut down the staff because it is not possible to cut enough expenses.

It is not clear which department of the company will be more affected by the latest staff cuts.After the cut, Dell will have only 39,000 employees. One third of the company’s total employees are in the US.

Dell, which is a big and popular brand in the personal computer market, has been facing financial problems lately. According to market analyst Gartner, in the fourth quarter of 2022, the sales of personal computers worldwide decreased by 28.5 percent compared to the same period of the previous year.

Earlier, another personal computer company, HP, also announced staff reduction. HP has put forward a plan to cut a large number of employees in the company by the year 2025. According to which, HP has planned to cut 12 percent of its global workforce, i.e. about 6,000 employees.

– Agency

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