Payment can be made through phone pay even without internet

Kathmandu. Now it is possible to pay money even without internet. “Phone Pay” has introduced the facility of paying money even when there is no internet.Nepal Rastra Bank Deputy Governor Dr Neelam Dhungana inaugurated the new product during a program held here on Friday.

He wished the complete success of Phone Pay’s offline feature.”I would like to thank and congratulate everyone involved for this latest thinking”, said, “I am confident that the offline feature of Phone Pay will prove to be a milestone in the perspective of QR’s popularity increasing day by day.”He said that Nepal Rastra Bank has also made an action plan for electronic payments and this year all banks and financial institutions should have at least one electronic payment literacy program.

He said that the phone pay feature will encourage a large population to make digital payments as customers can make payments without using the internet.He expressed his belief that this will help in realizing the campaign of creating a ‘Less Cash Economy’ of Rashtra Bank.Divash Sapkota, CEO of Phone Pay, said that he is confident that banks and financial institutions will play a role in making Phone Pay offline payments available to everyone.

Phone Pay has introduced a new facility to give gifts online.The latest feature released by PhonePay is believed to make digital payments even simpler, faster and safer for customers and businesses.Phone Pay has been working in the field of digital payments for the past three years.

So far, Rs 16 million users have been connected to Phone Pay, while more than 11 lakh businesses and more than 60 banks and financial institutions have joined.

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