The private sector is optimistic after the formation of a communist government led by Prachanda

The economy is now quadrupled. Industrialists and businessmen are disappointed. The economy is not functioning. Although the economy seems to be improving, the new government is being formed in a situation where it is not positive. A communist government is being formed under the leadership of Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Chairman of CPN Maoist Center.

Tulsi Subedi’s conversation with the representative of the private sector on the expectations of the private sector from the government, the steps to be taken for economic prosperity and the overall effect of the communist government on the economy.

Have financial stability
Dinesh Shrestha

Vice President, Federation of Nepal Industry and Commerce
The private sector is optimistic. It is a class that always lives in hope. We should move forward by focusing on the economic sector. This government should give first priority to the economy.There are challenges in the economy. We have suggested to eliminate the challenge. We hope that the suggestion will be implemented. The merchant is in trouble. Interest rates, lack of liquidity should be resolved. Facilitate tax payment till the end of January.

There is an increase in remittances. It should be utilized. The tax paid by the people should be respected by the political sector and transferred to the production sector. The government should insist on making the money in the government treasury work in the economy.

Have financial stability
Rajendra Mall
President, Nepal Chamber of Commerce

A permanent government is needed rather than a power equation. Whatever the government leads, attention should be paid to keep the economy running. The government should serve the people. Whoever leads the government should bring a strong economic policy to run the economy.

It doesn’t matter to us which leadership comes, but the economy should be at the center of the government. Now the incoming government should give special emphasis to promote import establishments and exports. Emphasis should be placed on production based on indigenous raw materials.

We are ready to partner Nepal Chamber of Commerce for this. The government will certainly listen to the private sector’s opinion and suggestions. Decisions should be taken heartily in the interest of the nation. Don’t be one in talk, another in practice. Work for economic stability.

Capital market increases
Tulsiram Dhakal
Chairman, Nepal Investor Forum

Our country got a Prime Minister for at least two years, should be happy about it. Communist, non-communist is secondary. UML has also run the government, Maoists have also run the government. The index was high during UML’s tenure when Vishnu Paudel was the finance minister. We are fully confident that the next government will be led by Prachanda, that the next capital reform will lead to reform.

Yesterday, when Vishnu Paudel was the finance minister, there was excitement in the stock market. Even now, he is likely to become the finance minister. Let’s hope, the capital market will take a new leap. There was something ‘Depalv’ in the economy. There was no coordination when the finance minister belonged to one party and the governor to another party. The tuning was not matched. Now, as soon as the tuning is done, the economy moves at a faster pace. The next government should focus on the economy. There is no happiness without benefiting the economy itself.

Collaboration with the private sector is essential
Krishna Prasad Adhikari
Vice President, Confederation of Nepal Industry

After the election, the government has been formed differently. As a whole, the policy to be taken by the government in the economy needs to be looked at differently. In the current situation, the government should create a strong and capable policy to overcome the contraction in the economy, the discomfort in the economy, the discomfort experienced and felt by the private sector based on new thinking.

We are more focused on what policies the new government will take rather than which government will be formed or not. In order to improve the economy, the incoming government should take a decision on how to promote industry and production. However, it is necessary to cooperate with the private sector to overcome the discomfort in the monetary policy and the contraction in demand in the overall economy.

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